Sunday, 20-August-2017. New version 4.0.0 of WordPress File Upload plugin has just been released.

This is a major update, which has been under development for 15 months (!!!). The most important change is that user-interface of the plugin has been completely rewritten, so that it works with templates. This means that the upload form can take any shape and appearance. The details of this change, the new architecture, the capabilities and potential will be described in a new separate post that will be published in the next days. For the moment only one basic template is included which generates the same visual result as before. More templates making the plugin look amazing will come in the next releases.

Apart from this, version 4.0.0 introduces several other important enhancements and new features:

  • Added auto-update feature for Pro version. Now new updates of the Pro version can easily be performed following WordPress standard.
  • Migrated to Dropbox API v2 following recommendations of Dropbox.
  • Dropbox transfer process improved in order to be more reliable.
  • File Transfers tab is added in Dashboard in order to monitor Dropbox transfers. All pending Dropbox transfers will be shown there and the administrator will be able to change their order, cancel or reset them.
  • Code improvements in order to protect from hackers trying to use the plugin as email spammer.
  • Filter wfu_file_browser_edit_column-{column} is added so that file viewer column contents can be customized. File links, image thumbnails and many other elements can now be easily added to the file viewer.
  • Added support for Secure FTP (sftp) uploads.
  • Several bug fixes and code improvements.

Pending File Transfers

Separate posts will be published in the next days providing details (and instructions where necessary) about these new features.

You can check more details in the Release Notes of the plugin’s support page.

Users who have purchased the Professional version of the plugin can download the latest one by logging into their Iptanus account, selecting the order and downloading the new file. Instructions for installing the new version can be found here.

Users of the Free version can update to the latest one using the Update feature of the Plugins section of their Dashboard.

Iptanus team is constantly striving to make WordPress File Upload plugin more user friendly and more bug free, so it will continue issuing new releases. It is reminded that users of the Professional version, will have free updates of the plugin for a lifetime!!!

For any questions, bugs or information please contact us.

The Iptanus team

New Major Version 4.0.0 of WordPress File Upload Plugin

6 thoughts on “New Major Version 4.0.0 of WordPress File Upload Plugin

  • by some reason it stopped to upload files to dropbox.
    The files stay in “pending file transfers”
    I tried to reconnect dropbox but without success.

    Is there a detailled logfile where I can check what’s wrong with dropbox?

    1. Hi, do you have access to the error log of your domain? probably errors are recorded there. What is the configuration of your website? 32 or 64bit? PHP version?



  • I will report the same issue here, the uploads where working fine to Dropbox on a clients website and sometime in the past month or so after updating WordPress the uploads no longer work to Dropbox, I have reconnected with Dropbox a couple of times using the code and it lights up green each time but still always says pending, I would appreciate you look into the issue please this feature to Dropbox is needed I am running on the latest version of PHP 7. I am not sure that it stopped working on this update of your plugin or if it actually broke the last time I updated WordPress sometime back in October because before the updates I did at the beginning of October everything was working fine, the website is in maintenance mode so I haven’t checked it until today, the files upload to the website fine, they were just failing to upload to Dropbox, I then decided to update WordPress again to the latest and it was still broke so finally just also updated to your new plugin version and its still broke. Just constantly showing pending, please look at this issue as this is the main functionality that the client wants, thx and I will await your reply.

  • It looks like this issue could have arisen since Dropbox has updated its API and website if I am honest with you, this was the first time I logged into dropbox since around 5 weeks ago and they have made changes so it looks like this functionality could have stopped working since these changes, hope this helps.

    1. Hi Stephen, the latest version of the plugin implements Dropbox API v2, so it should work. What is your PHP version?


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