The easiest way to use the upload form of WordPress File Upload plugin is to put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] in the page. In this case, the plugin will use the default functionality.
For configuring the upload form, use the Shortcode Composer, as shown in this guide. The Shortcode Composer works for both shortcodes of the plugin, the upload form and the file list.
The following table contains all Shortcode Composer options of the upload form, together with usage instructions. The corresponding shortcode attribute for each option is also included in blue small letters below the option name.
General Attributes |
Basic Functionalities | |
Upload ID uploadid |
This is the ID of every instance of the plugin inside the same page. Valid values are 1,2,3… Please use a different value for every instance. |
Single Button Operation singlebutton |
If set to “true”, only Upload Button will be shown and file will be automatically uploaded when selected. Default value is “false”. |
Multiple Files UploadPro multiple |
If set to “true”, multiple files can be selected and uploaded at the same time. Default value is “true”. |
Drag and Drop FilesPro dragdrop |
If set to “true”, files can be added to the upload list by drag and drop. Default value is “true”. |
Upload Path uploadpath |
This is the path of the upload directory. The path must be relative to wp-content folder of your WordPress website. For instance, if your upload directory is “wp-content/uploads/myuploaddir”, then uploadpath must have the value “uploads/myuploaddir”. The default value is “uploads”, meaning that the files will be uploaded to wp-content/uploads dir. If you put the variable “%username%” inside the uploadpath string, then this variable will be dynamically replaced by the username of the user currently logged in. Other variables are supported as well. Please check the Variables section for details. |
Plugin Fit Mode fitmode |
It defines how the plugin’s elements will fit inside the page. If “fixed” is set then the plugin’s elements will always keep their positions unchanged. If “responsive” is set then the plugin’s elements positions will adjust to fit inside container page/post. Default value is “fixed”. |
Allow No File allownofile |
If set to “true”, the user can submit the upload form even if a file is not selected. Default value is “false”. |
Reset Form Mode resetmode |
It defines whether the form will be reset after upload; “always” means that it will be reset in any case, “onsuccess” means that it will be reset only if upload was successful, “never” means that it will never be reset. Default value is “always”. |
Reset on Partial SuccessPro resetonpartial |
It defines whether the form will be reset after a partially successful upload (some files failed to upload). Default value is “true”. |
Include CaptchaPro captcha |
If set to “true”, the user will be prompted to complete a captcha (Google ReCaptcha) before uploading the files. Default value is “false”. |
Captcha TypePro captchatype |
It defines the type of captcha that will be used. For the moment, Google Recaptcha versions 1 and 2 are supported. Default is Google Recaptcha version 2. If you want to use Google Recaptcha version 2 and you do not have a Google account, then select RecaptchaV2 (no account). |
Captcha OptionsPro captchaoptions |
It defines any options about the appearance of captcha, such as theme, size, lang etc. It has the following format: option1 = “value1”, option2 = “value2”, … You can find details about the available options (such as theme, size etc.) from Google Recaptcha’s website. |
Filters | |
Upload Roles uploadrole |
It defines the categories (roles) of users allowed to upload files. Multiple selections can be made, separated by comma(,). If ‘all’ is set, then all logged users can upload files. If ‘guests’ is set, then guests (not logged users) can also upload files. Default value is ‘all,guests’. |
Upload UsersPro uploaduser |
It defines the users allowed to upload files. Multiple selections can be made, separated by comma(,). If ‘all’ is set, all logged users can upload files. If ‘guests’ is set, then guests (not logged users) can also upload files. Default value is ‘all,guests’. |
Allowed File Extensions uploadpatterns |
This is the filter of the uploaded files. Default value is “*.*”, meaning that all files can be uploaded. Use this attribute to restrict the types of files that can be uploaded. For instance, in order to upload only pdf files put “*.pdf”. You can use more that one filters, separated by comma, for instance “*.pdf,*.doc”. |
Allowed File Size maxsize |
This is the maximum size in MBytes of the uploaded files. Use this attribute to restrict the upload of files larger that this value. Default value is “10”, meaning that you cannot upload files larger than 10MBytes. |
Upload Path and Files | |
Create Upload Path createpath |
If set to “true”, the upload directory, defined by uploadpath, will be created in case it does not exist. Default value is “false”. |
Do Not Change Filename forcefilename |
The plugin by default will modify the filename if it contains invalid or non-english characters. If set to “true” the plugin will not change the filename. Default value is “false”. |
Folder Access Method accessmethod |
It defines the method to create directories and upload files. Default value is “normal”. If it is set to “ftp”, then the plugin will attempt to create directories and upload files using ftp access. In order to do this, the attribute ftpinfo must also be filled with valid ftp access information. Use this attribute when you cannot upload files, access uploaded files or cannot copy or delete uploaded files because of SAFE MODE restrictions, or because the owner of the file is the domain administrator. |
FTP Access Credentials ftpinfo |
It defines the ftp access information. It has the syntax username:password@domain:port. If username, password or domain contains the characters (:) or (@), then replace them with (\\:) and (\\@) in order to avoid misreading of the attribute. If you put the character ‘s’ before the port number, then secure ftp (sftp) protocol will be used e.g. myname:mypass@ftpdomain.com:s22 |
Use FTP Domain useftpdomain |
It is used when the ftp domain used to upload files is in different domain than WordPress installation. If it is set to “true” (and also uploadmethod is “ftp”), then the domain that will be used to upload files will be the one defined in ftpinfo attribute. Default value is “false”. |
FTP Passive Mode ftppassivemode |
If set to “true”, FTP passive mode will be used instead of active mode. It is used if files fail to upload when using FTP method. Default value is “false”. |
Permissions of Uploaded File ftpfilepermissions |
Force the uploaded files to have specific permissions. This is a 4-digit octal number, e.g. 0777. If left empty, then the ftp server will define the permissions. Default value is “”. |
Show Upload Folder Path showtargetfolder |
It defines if the upload directory will be shown to the user. Default value is “false”. |
Select Subfolder askforsubfolders |
It defines if the user can select a subfolder to upload the file. Default value is “false”. If set to “true”, then the user is able to select a subfolder of the path, defined by the attribute uploadpath, to upload a file through a drop down list. This attribute is used together with attribute subfoldertree, which defines the subfolders. |
List of Subfolders subfoldertree |
It defines the structure of the subfolders that the user can select to upload a file. Default value is “”. The format of this attribute is as follows: the subfolders are separated by commas (,), e.g. “subfolder1, subfolder2”. It is possible to use nested subfolders (a folder inside another folder). To do this place stars (*) before the name of the subfolder. The number of stars determines nesting level, e.g. “subfolder1, *nested1, *nested2, **nested3”. Please note that the first subfolder must be the name of the folder defined by attribute uploadpath (only the last part) without any stars, while all the next subfolders must have at least one star. The user has also the capability to use a different name (from the actual subfolder name) to be shown in the drop down list for every subfolder, by separating the actual and shown name using the slash (/) symbol, e.g.
subfolder1,*subfolder2/shownname2,*subfolder3/shownname3 For defining a default value that will be preselected use the (&) symbol before the item name (but after the starts, e.g. **&nested3. |
File Duplicates Policy duplicatespolicy |
It defines what to do when the upload file has the same name with another file inside target directory. If it is set to “overwrite” then the upload file will replace the existing file. If it is set to “reject” then the upload operation will be cancelled. If it is set to “maintain both” then the upload file will be saved inside the target directory with another name, in order to keep both files. Default value is “overwrite”. |
File Rename Rule uniquepattern |
It defines how to save the upload file when a file with the same name already exists inside the target directory. If it is set to “index” then the upload file will be saved with a numeric suffix, like (1), (2) etc. in order to keep the name of the uploaded file unique. If it is set to “datetimestamp”, then the suffix will be an encoded datetime of the upload operation. The plugin ensures that the name of the uploaded file will be unique, in order to avoid accidental replacement of existing files. Default value is “index”. |
Upload Big Files in ChunksPro chunk |
This option uses chunked upload technique (like Google Drive and Dropbox) to allow the upload of very large files (>1GB) quickly by cutting them in pieces, thus overcoming time and size limitations imposed by the web server or the host. It is disabled by default. |
Redirection | |
Redirect after Upload redirect |
It defines if the user will be redirected to another web page when the file is uploaded successfully. Default value is “false”. |
Redirection URL redirectlink |
It defines the url of the redirection page. Please use the prefix “http://” if the redirection page is in another domain, otherwise the server will assume that the url is relative to the server path. |
Other Administrator Options | |
Show Detailed Admin Messages adminmessages |
It offers the option to administrator users to receive additional information about upload errors. These messages will be visible only to administrators. Default value is “false”. |
Disable AJAX forceclassic |
It defines if the plugin will use the old classic functionality to upload files (using forms) or ajax functionality (supported in HTML5). Default value is “false”. Please note that if your browser does not support HTML ajax functionality, then the plugin will automatically switch to classic one. |
Test Mode testmode |
It defines if the plugin will be shown in test mode. Default value is “false”. If it is set to “true”, then the plugin will obtain a “dummy” functionality (it will not be able to upload files) and it will appear showing all of its objects (the selection of subfolders, progress bar, a test message), while the buttons will show a “Test Mode” message when pressed. This option can be used to configure the dimensions of the individual objects of the plugin more easily. |
Debug Mode debugmode |
It defines if the plugin will show debug information. Default value is “false”. If it is set to “true”, then the plugin will show in the message box any warnings and errors generated by PHP during the upload process. It can be used by administrators for deep debugging. For generation of PHP warnings and errors, global WordPress WP_DEBUG constant must be enabled. |
Placements | |
Plugin Component Positions | |
Plugin Component Positions placements |
It can be used to change the placement of the objects of the plugin. Default value is:
title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/subfolders/captcha/filelist/message Every line is separated by a slash (/). To put more than one objects to the same line, separate them with a plus (+). Available items are the following: title (a title for the upload plugin), filename (a textbox showing the file selected), selectbutton (button for selecting the files from your computer), uploadbutton (button to upload the selected files), captcha (a security check using captcha), subfolders (allow the use to select the upload subfolder), filelist (show a filelist of the selected files, together with individual progress bars as well as a total progress bar), progressbar (show a total progress bar), userdata (show user fields), message (show message about upload results). You can have more than one instances of userdata inside placements. |
Labels | |
Title | |
Plugin Title uploadtitle |
The title of the plugin. Default value is “Upload a file”. |
Buttons | |
Select Button Caption selectbutton |
The title of the select button. Default value is “Select File”. In case of multiple file uploads (Professional version) the plural form can also be defined. In this case the default value is “Select File/Select Files”. |
Upload Button Caption uploadbutton |
The title of the upload button. Default value is “Upload File”. In case of multiple file uploads (Professional version) the plural form can also be defined. In this case the default value is “Upload File/Upload Files”. |
Upload Folder | |
Upload Folder Label targetfolderlabel |
It defines the text for the message for the upload directory. Default value is “Upload Directory”. |
Select Subfolder Label subfolderlabel |
It defines the the label of the subfolders dropdown list. Default value is “Select Subfolder”. |
Captcha Parameters | |
Captcha Prompt LabelPro captchaprompt |
It defines the caption of the captcha text box. Default value is “Please fill in the above words: “. |
Upload Messages | |
Success Upload Message successmessage |
It defines the message to be shown upon successful upload. Default value is “File %filename% uploaded successfully”. You can use the variables %filename% and %filepath% inside the message, as explained in Variables section. |
Warning Upload Message warningmessage |
It defines the message to be shown upon successful upload but with warnings. Default value is “File %filename% uploaded successfully but with warnings”. You can use the variables %filename% and %filepath% inside the message, as explained in Variables section. |
Error Upload Message errormessage |
It defines the message to be shown upon upload failure. Default value is “File %filename% not uploaded”. You can use the variables %filename% and %filepath% inside the message, as explained in Variables section. |
Wait Upload Message waitmessage |
It defines the message to be shown while file uploading. Default value is “File %filename% is being uploaded”. You can use the variables %filename% and %filepath% inside the message, as explained in Variables section. |
Webcam Messages | |
Upload Media Button Caption uploadmediabutton |
It defines the caption of the button that starts the upload when media capture from the webcam has been activated. |
Video Filename videoname |
It defines the default file name of the captured video file. |
Image Filename imagename |
It defines the default file name of the captured image file. |
Other Messages | |
Required Fields Suffix requiredlabel |
It defines the keyword that shows up next to user field labels in order to denote that they are required. |
Notifications | |
Email Notifications | |
Notify by Email notify |
If set to “true”, then an email will be sent to the addresses defined by the attribute notifyrecipients to inform them that a new file has been uploaded. |
Email Recipients notifyrecipients |
It defines the list of email addresses to receive the notification message that a new file has been uploaded. More that one address can be defined, separated by comma (,). You can use variables inside this attribute, as explained in Variables section. |
Email Headers notifyheaders |
It defines additional headers to be included in the notification email (e.g. set “From”, “Cc” and “Bcc” parameters or use HTML code instead of text). Default value is “”. For example, in order to send HTML email please set this attribute to “Content-type: text/html”. |
Email Subject notifysubject |
It defines the subject for the notification message. Default value is “File Upload Notification”. You can use variables inside this attribute, as explained in Variables section. |
Email Body notifymessage |
It defines the body text for the notification message. Default value is “Dear Recipient, this is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded. Best Regards”. You can use variables inside this attribute, as explained in Variables section. |
Attach Uploaded Files attachfile |
It defines if the uploaded files will be attached to the notification email. Default value is “false”. |
Personal Data | |
General Personal Data Options | |
Ask for Consent askconsent |
If activated, then consent from users will be asked for storing their personal data. If users do not give consent, then their data will not be stored in the database, they will only be included in the notification email, if email notifications are active. |
Personal Data Types personaldatatypes |
Determines which data are considered as personal data. By default only userdata are considered as personal data. If the 2nd option is selected, then files will also be considered as personal data. This means that if the users do not give their consent, then the files will not be uploaded on the website, they will only be inluded in the notification email as attachments, if email notifications are active. |
Consent Behaviour | |
Do Not Remember Consent Answer notrememberconsent |
If activated the plugin will not remember the consent answer provided by the user and the consent question will always show. |
Consent Denial Rejects Upload consentrejectupload |
If activated and user has denied consent then the upload will be rejected. If deactivated, then the upload will continue regardless of consent answer. |
Reject Message consentrejectmessage |
Determines the message that will appear to the user if upload cannot continue due to consent denial. |
Consent Appearance | |
Consent Format consentformat |
Determines how consent question will appear to the user. If ‘checkbox’ is selected then a checkbox will appear inside the upload form which the user needs to tick. If ‘radio’ is selected then a radio button with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ answers will appear inside the form (this makes sure that the user will select something after all. If ‘prompt’ is selected then a dialog will appear on the user when pressing the upload button asking for consent. |
Preselected Answer consentpreselect |
Determines whether a default answer will be selected. |
Consent Question for Checkbox consentquestion |
Defines the question that will appear to the user next to the checkbox, or radio buttons or inside the prompt dialog. If a word starting and ending with semicolon (:) is added in the question, e.g. :link:, then it will be replaced by a link defined in ‘Consent Disclaimer Link’ attribute. This way a link to a disclaimer can be added. |
Consent Disclaimer Link consentdisclaimer |
Defines a link that displays a disclaimer to the user if the user presses the relevant link that is included inside the consent question. |
Colors | |
Upload Message Colors | |
Success Message Colors successmessagecolors |
It defines the colors of the message shown upon successfull upload. Default value is “#006600,#EEFFEE,#006666”. The first value is the text color, the second the background color and the third the border color. |
Warning Message Colors warningmessagecolors |
It defines the colors of the message shown upon successful upload but with warnings. Default value is “#F88017,#FEF2E7,#633309”. The first value is the text color, the second the background color and the third the border color. |
Fail Message Colors failmessagecolors |
It defines the colors of the message shown upon upload failure. Default value is “#660000,#FFEEEE,#666600”. The first value is the text color, the second the background color and the third the border color. |
Dimension | |
Plugin Component Widths | |
Plugin Component Widths widths |
It can be used to define the width of every individual object of the plugin. Default value is “”. To define the width of an individual object, simply put the name of the object and the width, separated by the (:) character (e.g. “title:100px”). To define more than one objects separate them with comma (,). |
Plugin Component Heights | |
Plugin Component Heights heights |
It can be used to define the height of every individual object of the plugin. Default value is “”. To define the height of an individual object, simply put the name of the object and the height, separated by the (:) character (e.g. “title:20px”). To define more than one objects separate them with comma (,). |
Additional Fields | |
Additional Data Fields | |
Include Additional Data Fields userdata |
It defines if additional text information will be requested by the user. If set to “true”, then an additional textbox will appear, prompting the user to put text data. These data will be sent to email recipients, if email notification has been activated and %userdata% variable exists inside notifymessage attribute. Default value is “false”. |
Additional Data Fields userdatalabel |
It defines the labels of the userdata fields. Separate each field with slash “/”. The most simple is to define the field’s label (text field will be assumed), e.g. Name/Email will define two text fields, one with label “Name” and one with label “Email”. Additional options can be defined for each field, appended after the label using a “|” separator, an option designator (a single character plus “:” sign) and an option value. Details about the field types, their options and syntax are contained in this article. |
Interoperability | |
Connection With Other Plugins | |
WP Filebase Plugin Connection filebaselink |
It defines if this plugin will be linked to wp-filebase plugin. Wp-filebase is another plugin with which you can upload files and then show them in your pages in a customizable way. If you set this attribute to “true”, then you can upload files inside wp-filebase directories using wordpress_file_upload and then update the databases of wp-filebase, so that it is informed about the new uploads. The default value is “false”. Please note that this attribute does not check to see if wp-filebase is installed and active, so be sure to have wp-filebase active if you want to use it. |
Add Uploaded Files to NextGEN GalleryPro nextgen |
If enabled then the uploaded files will be added to a NextGEN Gallery. Default is false. |
NGG Gallery IDPro ngg_galleryid |
It defines the ID of the NextGEN Gallery where uploaded files will be added. Default is 1. |
NGG File DescriptionPro ngg_description |
It defines the description of the file added to NextGEN Gallery. |
NGG File Alt TextPro ngg_alttext |
It defines the alt/title text of the file added to NextGEN Gallery. |
NGG File TagsPro ngg_tags |
It defines a comma-separated list of tags for the file added to NextGEN Gallery. |
NGG Exclude FilePro ngg_exclude |
It defines whether the added file in NextGEN Gallery will have its ‘Exclude’ property active. If it is active then the file will not be shown in Gallery until the admin deactivates it from Dashboard. Default is false. |
Connection With Other WordPress Features | |
Add Uploaded Files To Media medialink |
It defines if the uploaded files will be added to the Media of the WordPress website. The default value is “false”. Please note that the files must be uploaded inside uploads folder of the wp-content directory (this is the default value of the uploadpath attribute) in order to be shown in Media. |
Attach Uploaded Files To Post postlink |
It defines if the uploaded files will be linked with the current page as attachments. The default value is “false”. Please note that the files must be uploaded inside uploads folder of the wp-content directory (this is the default value of the uploadpath attribute) in order to be attached correctly. If this attribute is activated, then files will be added to Media as well. |
Show Image Gallery Below PluginPro gallery |
If enabled then an image gallery will be shown below the plugin, showing all images attached to the page. If you want an uploaded image to be shown in the gallery upon upload, then use postlink=”true” to attach it to the page and forceclassic=”true” in order to force the page to reload every time a file is uploaded (so that the gallery is refreshed). Default value is false. |
Image Gallery OptionsPro galleryoptions |
It defines gallery options in the form option1=”value1″ option2=”value2″. For details about the available options please visit http://codex.wordpress.org/Gallery_Shortcode. |
Connection With Cloud Services | |
Upload To Microsoft OneDrivePro onedrive |
If enabled then the uploaded files will be transferred to the Microsoft OneDrive account that has been configured in the plugin’s settings. Default is false. |
OneDrive PathPro onedrivepath |
It defines the path inside the Microsoft OneDrive account that the uploaded file will be transferred. If the path does not exist it will be created. This attribute accepts variables, just like the uploadpath attribute. Default value is empty (root folder of Microsoft OneDrive account). |
Include UserdataPro onedriveuserdata |
If it is enabled then the uploaded file’s userdata will be included in the transferred Microsoft OneDrive file description. |
Local File ActionPro onedrivelocal |
It defines whether to keep or delete the local file stored in the website, after it has been transferred to the Microsoft OneDrive account. It can take the value “keep” or “delete”. Default value is “keep”. |
Conflict PolicyPro onedriveconflict |
It defines what happens if a file with the same name already exists at Microsoft OneDrive destination. It can either fail, or replace the existing file or be renamed. Default value is “rename”. |
Upload To DropboxPro dropbox |
If enabled then the uploaded files will be transferred to the Dropbox account that has been configured in the plugin’s settings. Default is false. |
Dropbox PathPro dropboxpath |
It defines the path inside the Dropbox account that the uploaded file will be transferred. If the path does not exist it will be created. This attribute accepts variables, just like the uploadpath attribute. Default value is empty (root folder of Dropbox account). |
Local File ActionPro dropboxlocal |
It defines whether to keep or delete the local file stored in the website, after it has been transferred to the Dropbox account. It can take the value “keep” or “delete”. Default value is “keep”. |
Upload To Google DrivePro gdrive |
If enabled then the uploaded files will be transferred to the Google Drive account that has been configured in the plugin’s settings. Default is false. |
Google Drive PathPro gdrivepath |
It defines the path inside the Google Drive account that the uploaded file will be transferred. If the path does not exist it will be created. This attribute accepts variables, just like the uploadpath attribute. Default value is empty (root folder of Google Drive account). |
Include UserdataPro gdriveuserdata |
If it is enabled then the uploaded file’s userdata will be included in the transferred Google Drive file description. |
Local File ActionPro gdrivelocal |
It defines whether to keep or delete the local file stored in the website, after it has been transferred to the Google Drive account. It can take the value “keep” or “delete”. Default value is “keep”. |
Trash DuplicatesPro gdriveduplicates |
If it is enabled then any files with identical names in Google Drive destination folder will be trashed. Default value is false. |
Webcam | |
Capture from Webcam (experimental) | |
Enable Webcam webcam |
It enables capturing of video or still pictures from the computer’s webcam. It is experimental because it is not supported by all browsers yet. |
Capture Mode webcammode |
It defines the webcam capture mode. The webcam can either capture video, still photos or both. |
Capture Audio audiocapture |
It defines whether audio will be captured together with video from the webcam. |
Video Width videowidth |
It requests a preferable video width for the webcam. The plugin will try to match this setting as close as possible depending on webcam capabilities. |
Video Height videoheight |
It requests a preferable video height for the webcam. The plugin will try to match this setting as close as possible depending on webcam capabilities. |
Video Aspect Ratio videoaspectratio |
It requests a preferable video aspect ratio for the webcam. The plugin will try to match this setting as close as possible depending on webcam capabilities. |
Video Frame Rate videoframerate |
It requests a preferable video frame rate for video recording. The plugin will try to match this setting as close as possible depending on webcam capabilities. |
Camera Facing Mode camerafacing |
It defines if the front or back camera will be preferred (for mobile devices with 2 cameras). The plugin will try to match this setting depending on webcam capabilities. |
Max Record Time maxrecordtime |
It defines the maximum time of video recording (in seconds). If it is set to -1, then there is no time limit. |
Custom CSS | |
Advanced Customization of Appearance | |
Custom CSS EditorPro css |
It defines custom css to style the elements of the plugin in a more advanced way. A delicate css editor is included inside Shortcode Composer. |
You can use any of these attributes to customize the plugin. The way to use these attributes is the following:
[wordpress_file_upload attribute1=value1 attribute2=value2]
Here are some examples:
[wordpress_file_upload uploadtitle="Upload files to the Upload dir"] [wordpress_file_upload uploadtitle="Upload files to the Upload dir" uploadpath="uploads/myuploaddir"] [wordpress_file_upload uploadid="1" uploadpath="../myuploaddir"] [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="uploads/users/%username%" createpath="true"] [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="uploads/myuploaddir" notify="true" notifyrecipients="name1@address1.com, name2@address2.com"] [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="/uploads/myuploaddir" askforsubfolders="true" subfoldertree="myuploaddir/My Upload Directory,*subfolder1/Subfolder1 Inside myuploaddir,**inner/2nd Level Nested Dir, *reports/Reports"] [wordpress_file_upload uploadrole="all" uploadpath="/uploads/filebase/%username%" createpath="false" notify="true" notifyrecipients="myname@domain.com" notifysubject="A new file has been uploaded!" attachfile="true" askforsubfolders="true" subfoldertree="admin/Administrator,*root/Root Folder,**inner, *reports/Reports" filebaselink="true" widths="filename:150px, selectbutton:80px, uploadbutton:80px, progressbar:220px, message:368px, subfolders_label:100px, subfolders_select:125px" placements="title/filename+subfolders/selectbutton+uploadbutton+progressbar/message"] [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="uploads/myuploaddir" notify="true" notifyrecipients="name1@address1.com, name2@address2.com" notifymessage="File %filename% has been received, together with fields Name:%userdata0%, Email:%userdata1%" userdata="true" userdatalabel="Name/*Email (required)"][wordpress_file_upload uploadpath="uploads/myuploaddir" notify="true" notifyrecipients="name1@address1.com, name2@address2.com" notifymessage="This is a test HTML message body.<br/><br/>This word is <em>italic</em> and this is <strong>bold</strong>." notifyheaders="Content-type: text/html"]
From version 1.2 variables are supported inside attributes.
A variable is a string surrounded by percent characters, in the form %variable_name%. This variable is replaced by another string whenever the plugin is executed.
For instance, if the variable %username% is used inside uploadpath attribute, then it will be replaced by the username of the user who is currently logged in every time a file is uploaded. By this way, every user can upload files to a separate folder, without any additional programming.
For the time being, the following attributes are supported:
- %userid%: Is replaced by the id of the current user. Can be used inside attributes uploadpath and dropboxpath.
- %username%: Is replaced by the username of the current user. Can be used inside attributes uploadpath, notifysubject, notifymessage, redirectlink and dropboxpath.
- %useremail%: Is replaced by the email of the current user. Can be used inside attributes notifyrecipients, notifysubject and notifymessage.
- %filename%: Is replaced by the filename (not including path information) of the uploaded file. Can be used inside attributes notifysubject, notifymessage, successmessage and redirectlink.
- %filepath%: Is replaced by the filepath (full path and filename) of the uploaded file. Can be used inside attributes notifysubject, notifymessage and successmessage.
- %blogid%: Is replaced by the blog_id of the current site. Can be used inside attribute uploadpath, notifysubject, notifymessage and dropboxpath.
- %userdataXXX%: Is replaced by the additional message that the user has sent together with the file upload. XXX is the number of the field (starting from 0). The shortcode attribute userdata must have been set to “true”. Can be used inside attributes uploadpath, notifysubject, notifymessage and dropboxpath.
- %n%: Denotes change of line (equivalent of \n). Can be used inside attribute notifymessage. It exists because of problems of using \n inside the classic page editor of WordPress.
- %pagetitle%: Is replaced by the title of the current page. Can be used inside attribute uploadpath, notifysubject, notifymessage and dropboxpath.
- %pageid%: Is replaced by the id of the current page. Can be used inside attribute uploadpath, notifysubject, notifymessage and dropboxpath.
In addition, some special variables, which are used to replace literals not allowed in shortcodes (such as double quotes or brackets), are also supported. They can be used in attributes that receive free text (like button labels, email notification body etc.). These special variables are:
- %n%: When used inside an attribute (e.g. inside notifymessage) it will be replaced by a change-of-line character (\n).
- %dq%: When used inside an attribute it will be replaced by a double quote (“).
- %brl%: When used inside an attribute it will be replaced by an opening bracket ([).
- %brr%: When used inside an attribute it will be replaced by a closing bracket (]).