Tuesday, 20-June-2023. New version 4.21.7 of WordPress File Upload plugin has just been released.
This is an urgent update that came immediately after version 4.21.6 to fix a bug related to Admin Notifications.
Here are the changes brought by versions 4.21.6 και 4.21.7:
- Operation of webcam uploads for iOS devices has been improved, after some users reported that they could not see the webcam toolbar buttons. Now the buttons show up normally.
- Admin Notifications of the plugin do not show up in Dashboard Comments menu page.
- Material UI components are more responsive and their font size adjusts better.
You can find more details in the Release Notes of the plugin’s support page.
Users can update to the latest version using the Update feature of the Plugins section of their Dashboard.
Iptanus team is constantly striving to make WordPress File Upload plugin more user friendly and more bug free, so it will continue issuing new releases.
For additional information or technical support, do not hesitate to contact us.
The Iptanus Team
New Version 4.21.7 of WordPress File Upload Plugin
There is no option to update to the new release, not on Iptanus site nor on my WordPress Dashboard/Updates nor the plug-in list page.
Good morning, do you still have this problem? It usually appears because WordPress caches the latest version of plugins for 24 hours.