Friday, 24-March-2023. New version 4.18.1 of WordPress File Upload plugin has just been released.
This is a regular update that introduces some bug fixes and code improvements, as described below.
Directory Uploads
In the previous version, 4.18.0, Directory Uploads were introduced.
When activated in the upload form of the plugin, the user can select to upload entire folders. A folder, or more, can be added on the form either by pressing Select Files button, or by dragging them on the form. However, in the first case, when pressing Select Files button and the file select dialog pops up, the browsers allow only selection of directories, not files.
This is not the intended behavior of the plugin. The current version introduces an improved Directory Uploads functionality, so that the user can select both files and folders when Directory Uploads option is active. It has been designed to work from all devices, computers, tablets or mobile phones.
A detailed description and instructions about Directory Uploads can be found here.
Other Improvements
This version includes some modifications of the Select Files button of the upload form, so that it can better be styled with CSS.
So far, in order to style it when hovering with the mouse over it, the custom class input.file_input_button_hover had to be used, instead of the standard input:hover one.
This version enables the standard :hover pseudo-selector (as well as all the other CSS pseudo-selectors) to work. This results in better compatibility of the select button with the theme.
Furthermore, this version includes some bug fixes in order to improve compatibility with PHP version 8.1 and newer.
You can find more details in the Release Notes of the plugin’s support page.
Users can update to the latest version using the Update feature of the Plugins section of their Dashboard.
Iptanus team is constantly striving to make WordPress File Upload plugin more user friendly and more bug free, so it will continue issuing new releases.
For additional information or technical support, do not hesitate to contact us.
The Iptanus Team